How to Clean a Hot Tub Filter

Cleaning your hot tub filters & replacing them periodically is important to keep your hot tub working properly. Dirty filters can cause restricted flow through the pumps (the jets won’t be as strong) and even casue your hot tub to shut down. (Here’s a post on how to test if your broken hot tub is […]

The benefits of 100% No-bypass Filtration

A great feature of the Hot Spring Spa Highlife collection is the 100% No-Bypass Filtration This means that all of the water passes through the filter before it re-enters the spa. When you are in the hot tub with your family and friends, oils from sun tan lotion, perfume, makeup, hair products and more can build up in the […]

Why do I have so many hot tub filters?

A customer recently asked me why there were so many hot tub filters in her Hot Spring Grandee hot tub (The Grandee has 5 filters), and I thought it was a good question. So I asked one of our sales reps who is an expert on the Hot Spring Spa filtration. He told me: Hot Spring Spas have […]

The Hot Tub Filter test

Do you know that 8 out of 10 service calls we get and MANY of the calls service techs make to hot tub owner’s homes are due to dirty spa filters? A dirty hot tub filter can cause your spa to stop working properly. A pump can fail or work intermittently, the tub might top […]

Problem with Cloudy Water? Time to clean your filters!

A few posts back we started discussing water clarity and some of the basic factors that contribute to it. If you missed the first article, click here to read about how often you should drain your water. When is the last time you cleaned your filters? Now this question doesn’t apply to all hot tub […]